Husband of Caroline Crouch confesses to suffocating her weeks after claiming criminals broke into their home and strangled her.

The Greek man said he killed his British wife, Crouch, 20, after she vowed to leave him and take their baby with her. Babis Anagnostopoulos, 33, admitted to suffocating her to death after more than eight hours of interrogation in the homicide department of Athens' police headquarters. Babis, a helicopter pilot, had claimed that Albanian criminals broke into his home on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, blindfolded him, tied him up, then beat his wife and strangled her to death. He added that the killers went off with 15,000 Euros in real money and other valuables. He even granted interviews, pretending to be a grieving husband for over a month. Even after his wife was buried in May, he continued in the pretense. At his wife's funeral, Babis looked mournful as he carried their daughter. In a moving eulogy, an emotional Babis said: "I was very lucky that I knew Caroline and that she loved me. I was very lucky for all the moments we shared. Cops spent weeks searching for the non-existen...