I was diagnosed with cochlear damage & otosclerosis which had led to me falling moderately deaf in one ear and mildly deaf in the other.

Not many people know my story of becoming deaf. The last 4 months have been like lots of people, the first time in a long time that I have slowed down. During this time of reflection, I realise to embrace who I am I need not be scared about showing or talking about my full journey.

So here goes...3 months after Alice was born my husband noticed a difference with my hearing. Shortly after I quickly became diagnosed with cochlear damage & otosclerosis which had led to me falling moderately deaf in one ear and mildly deaf in the other. I was shocked & surprised to be told that this was likely due to my pregnancy hormones. Most likely I would have developed these in later life, but the hormones accelerated it.

One of the hardest things to deal with is how it has destroyed my confidence. Returning to work after 13 months maternity leave has its own emotional and physical challenges. Layering on top of this my new disability was additional stress.

I love my hearing aids; they allow me to continue but don’t be fooled that when you see someone with them that they then are back to the same hearing level as before and can hear as clearly as you. This isn’t often the case.

My hearing still has not stabilised & I’m now severely deaf in both ears. I have not been able to see my consultant due to the pandemic but am anticipating the news they developed into the profound hearing loss & that the future may look a little different for me and my family.

Recently I started searching & finding inspiring people on the internet who also happen to be deaf and I thank these people who don’t even know they have helped me but have made me feel apart of a community and not on my own.

My disability in comparisons to many, granted, is very small. But always remember we never truly know everything that is going on with friends, family, colleagues so it’s always good to be kind and understanding before passing judgement.

Thank you to my wonderful husband who supports me in everything.
Everyday our stories continue, and chapters unfold in front of us. Whatever life throws you embrace it & move forward.
