He had a very red skin, his eyes hasn't sprout out yet and lots of injections through the canular mounted on his forehead.

We named you Amazing because of the mystery surrounded with your birth.
So you hurriedly came out from the womb a day to your 7th month....yes you heard me right(approximately last day of your 6th month) because you wouldn't wait to make my whole word to be summed up to 3 letter words-mum".
Oxygen and every other equipment were set to aid your survival as you where so tender and immature to survive and you where quickly transferred to the 'baby unit" it became a big shock.

The unit seems like a space-age control room - very hot, with lots of flashing lights, beeping monitors and other mystifying pieces of equipment. Among all these are the incubators,
My tiny baby was at the centre of a tangle of tubes, surrounded by equipment inside the incubator(I and your Daddy were separated from you and can only see you through the glass of the room window.. (this was to avoid him contracting infection from outside the world) oh how sad it feels only to be apart from your long awaited miracle.

My tears, my sadness, my heart jumping out of my chest for months it was so distressful but God, hubby, my pastor and members, my parents, siblings, in-laws, and very few blossom friends were there all through and made me have hope again.
My Son inside the incubator was looking quite different to what I had imagined. 
New born babies never look like the bouncing bundles that you see in the nappy adverts, but a baby born prematurely will be at an earlier stage of development, and so may look quite different to what you might expected) he had a very red skin, his eyes hasn't sprout out yet, very trace noise and undeveloped mouth.

So he fed from extracted breast milk from my breast through a tube fixed from his mouth down to his stomach for three months consecutively, with 2 times blood transfusions and lots of injections through the canular mounted on his forehead for months and God saw us through and we came out miraculously.
Today is my Son's 3 years and I and your daddy , aunties and uncles are giving all we have to you Son...and pray u will live a fulfilled life of sweetness.
your world has impacted our lives positively. Happy birthday to  our miraculous son..
