He said am a "tolerant person and I am his friend" he got to a point that 6 to 9 girls were pregnant for him.
I met this man in Facebook in 2011 and instantly, we got talking and he visited Nigeria in 2013 . We were both happy to see each other physically for the first time and we spent some days together and we started relationship. He went back to Europe and returned the follow year which is 2014 . While we were together in our hotel room, I took his camera and went through the pictures but something wasn't right to me as I saw several baby pictures of the same person and I asked him since he told me he was not married and single and do not have any child.
So immediately I showed him the picture, he said he looked at me and said it's his friend baby that he went for his naming ceremony. After series of questioning he eventually opened up and told me the baby his but he is not with the woman again. Stupid love right? I bought the fairy tales and we moved on and less than a month I discovered I was pregnant and we both made a plan to settle and start a family.
From that day onward he started sleeping around several girls and he could come home and tell me since he said am a "tolerant person and I am his friend" he got to a point that 6 to 9 girls were pregnant for him. The numbers isn't just once but each time he visited Nigeria one or 2 ladies must get pregnant for him and he could say that is his own problem if I can't take it i should leave. My husband could send girls money to start a business, for Christmas and shopping but when I ask him for extra money he could say he doesn't have since he had given me and my son our monthly allowance fee which was £40. Each time I told him to support me with some money for business he could say! " why was I not successful before he met me so I should not disturb him.
This is the same man that when I met him, he used to borrow car for his stay in Nigeria, from borrowing I started motivating him and he bought his own car, build his own house. Each time am pregnant I used to nurture the pregnancy till delivery day on my own. On the delivery day I used to take myself to the hospital and when I told him men helped their wives to hospitals during and after delivery he could say some women didn't see their husbands for years because some of them men are soldier or army and due to their training they are not allowed to see their family for year but you personally you are not a military person and before you know it, he could turn it to a fight and hung off the phone.
I later discovered he had different 3kids apart from the one I saw on his camera. 3kids with different women making it 4kids with 4kids apart from the one he impregnated while I moved in with him.
Up till now we are still married and as husband and wife but you know what he lives with another women he says the woman's house is closer to his work. He will call his mistress in Germany and start talking I'll and sick things about us and my kids to the mistress because he said he told his mistress am his friend's wife. I remembered one of those days, when he visited Nigeria and told me he is going to Abuja and I asked him what business he has there and he said since am persistent with my question that he is going with a girl and asked me to park his bag and he asked a guy to take him to the airport where the girl is already waiting for him. They eventually went together and spend 3days.
On the day of our wedding my husband told my on the Lagos 3rd mainland bridge that if the traffic is too much that he could turn back because he doesn't even know why he is doing all these nonsense. That his family, friends and everyone had told him that he doesn't need all these stress and the fact remains that he doesn't even need any woman around him since all women are like a mad patient whom he used to work with in Europe. You are saying what are my still doing with him. Is it low self esteem? Is it financial cancer? Name it. No.
I know am broke and he doesn't allow me work and my kids are involved. He asked me to learn how to sew clothes and how to make hair in which I did everything but when ever I asked him to support with what he told me to learnt he could still say the same thing. I'm ridiculous, frustrated and vulnerable BUT I believe and hope for a brighter day because I believe life is a stages.
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